plexWell™ Rapid Single Cell Kit

The streamlined, fully integrated plexWell Single Cell Rapid-RNA Library Prep protocol enables the production of 96 or 384 sequencing-ready, full-length transcriptome libraries in a single day, without the need for specialized equipment.Unique features of the plexWell technology, including auto-normalization, further simplifies the process by reducing the effort related to QC and dilute cDNA samples prior to library prep, and collected 96 cDNAs into a single, multiplexed library. This eliminates major bottlenecks in single-cell transcriptome projects, whilst improving data quality and reducing overall project costs.plexWell Rapid Single Cell Kit is designed for high-sensitivity gene expression profiling, and provides uniform coverage across the entire length of transcripts. The workflow has been optimized to maintain library complexity, even with ultra-low inputs. This improves the detection of low-abundance genes and rare cell populations, preserves whole-gene SNP and indel variant information, and allows for isoform and allele-specific expression analysis from single cells and low picogram cDNA inputs.Not available in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.Simple and scalable multiplexed workflow for 1000’s of samples.Premier single cell RNA Sequencing.